My blog of everything artistic, be it drawings, comics, videos, etc...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Other Story: Fate-Pg 1
We shall start our The Other Story potluck story anthology with Fate, a story about 3 childhood friends with a budding romance in between
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Kimin's Diary-Entry 2-5
Kimin: The kids found out about Little Warts' death when they saw me burying him under the old tree up in the hill. Their sadness mirrored mine
Kimin: Since then, every end of the month, we would walk 30 minutes to get up here to visit Little Warts' grave.
Kimin: Time to go, kids. Or else you'd be home late.
Kids: Alright, sis!
Kid2: You think Little Warts knows we're visiting him, sis?
Kid3: Yeah, sis. Who knows, he might not even know a thing
Kimin: I'm sure he knows, kids. Don't worry about it
Kimin: Since then, every end of the month, we would walk 30 minutes to get up here to visit Little Warts' grave.
Kimin: Time to go, kids. Or else you'd be home late.
Kids: Alright, sis!
Kid2: You think Little Warts knows we're visiting him, sis?
Kid3: Yeah, sis. Who knows, he might not even know a thing
Kimin: I'm sure he knows, kids. Don't worry about it
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Kimin's Diary-Entry 2-4
Kimin: Little Warts was utterly bitten, scratched, stepped on, thrown around...Those stray dogs literally mauled him fatally...I knew there was nothing I could do to save him...
Kimin: But what shocked me was that...
Kimin: Despite breathing his last...he still wanted some lovin'...
Kimin: But what shocked me was that...
Kimin: Despite breathing his last...he still wanted some lovin'...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Kimin's Diary-Entry 2-3
Kimin: And the way he would ask for lovin' is to rub his head against anything that's close to him
Kimin: Half a year ago I saw Little Warts...
Kimin: ...being bullied by the stray dogs at the side of the road
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Children of the Ring (A LOTR Scrapped Fic)
The Child of an Elf, as golden as the sun
The Offspring of a Hobbit, The Ring-bearer; The One
The Heir of a Human, as noble as the King
The Spirit of a Wizard, as wise as the birds can sing
The Soul of a Dwarf, with the strength of ten bulls
The Seed of an Orc/Uruk-hai, with no knowledge of pain or death,
and the Darkness of Lord Sauron, whose power they dare deny shall be a suicidal fool
"I have come for the King of Gondor, son of Arathorn"
"Who are you to dare step into the fortress of Gondor and summon the King?"
"My name is Shenna and my business is of my own. I wish to see the King."
"Let her enter and see what purpose she has of coming here"
"I am Shenna and I come here to fulfill a mission."
"What mission do you speak of, woman?"
"I wish to speak with you privately"
"What matter of mission is this that you must speak so secretly?"
"Something your Queen Arwen must not hear of, for I fear that it would be the death of me."
"And what is it that my fair lady must not know of?"
"That I am here a Childbearer and my mission is to bear your child."
"I know it may come to you as a shock, milord, but I am only fulfilling my duty, and all responsibilities are solely of my own. You need not to worry."
"Who sent you and who gave you this mission? What may be the purpose of this mission as well?"
"I am unable to say. I was the Chosen One. That is all I know of."
"...If what you say is true..."
"It is as true as the sun rises in the east, milord."
"If that is what destiny has given you to do, I shall not forsake your fate. You are allowed to stay here in the castle and have the child here. The Queen must know of this, you understand."
"As you wish, milord."
"Who are you, mortal, and what is your business being here?"
"My name is Shenna and I search for the Elf Prince of Mirkwood. I wish to speak to him."
"What is it that you want to speak to Legolas Greenleaf that you cannot reveal to us?"
"My business is of my own and for Legolas' ears only. Let me pass so that I can meet him."
"Do you not care that your life might be in the hands of us and that we might kill you for trespassing?"
"If my mission fails because of your heartless act, you are digging a grave for Middle-Earth to sleep in."
"I've heard news of your coming here. You have displayed great courage in venturing into the secret lands of the elves and speak up even when your life is at the mercy of the eye of an arrow."
"I come only to fulfill my mission sent out for me. I care not of the dangers around me."
"A brave heart you have, mortal. And what may be your mission that has brought you many miles here to this sacred land?"
".....You know what I came here for. You elves have the gift of reading people's minds."
".....What you ask from me is too great, both for me to accept and for you to carry out..."
"I care not of the burden that may fall upon me, and there is no reason why a noble Elf Prince like you could ever be unable to withstand such a favour when you have fought the courageous battle against Sauron."
"That was an obligation and a fight for Middle Earth which I have been destined to, but this..."
"Is also a destiny, both a small one for you and a big one for me. You need not to bear the burden. Only me."
"We elves should not have any business with men, but your destiny is yours to fulfill. I shall comply with your wishes."
Illumai Greenleaf-The Elf's Child
- Hair as blonde as his elf father yet wavy as his human mother
- Eyes as brown as his human mother yet as sharp as his elf father
- Has the stealth, agility, grace and strength his elf father has
- Has the skin colour and the intelligence of his human mother
- Shoots arrows, rides horses, fight swords and speaks Elvish as well as his father
Merriweather Baggins-The Hobbit's Offspring
- As tall as her hobbit father yet as beautiful as her human mother
- One eyes is the colour of her hobbit father and the other eye is the colour of her human mother
- Looks more like her mother than her father
- Intelligent and brave, but a little slow on judging people's character (trusts people too easily)
- Utmost friendly
Arnarog Estel Isildur-The Human's Heir
- As handsome as his father but pretty gentle like his mother
- Unless the situation needs it, he wouldn't reveal his tough side
- Goes really great with sword-fighting and butt-kicking, yet can maintain a satisfying level of passive-learning
- His blood is as noble and worthy as his father could be
Orwan Mithrandir-The Wizard's Spirit
- Certainly has long, white hair like the wizard father but she definitely does not look old
- As young as her beautiful mother
- Able to perform spells, wand-less magic and read minds
- Has both telekinesis, telepathic and psychometric powers
- Can fly on air without help from the eagles
Embere Moria-The Dwarf's Soul
- Looks almost like his dwarf father but as tall as his human mother
- Very strong and courageous; can pick up a horse and throw it 50 feet away
- Has his father's temper and rushy attitude
- Unlike his father, he was rather fond of elves and wouldn't hesitate to know more about them
Zealous-The Orc/Uruk-hai's Seed
- Very ugly and monstrous, just like her Orc/Uruk-hai father
- The only female Orc/Uruk-hai among her species, making her pretty popular and desirable to them
- Has her human mother's eyes; the only beautiful thing about her
- Wild and vicious like her Orc/Uruk-hai father but has a slightly leveled sanity
Dormor-Lord Sauron's Darkness
- Very dark and evil
- Has no mercy and no compassion for anyone, just like his father
- Very powerful and pretty much unstoppable
- All about death and destruction and it's hard to believe that he could be a half-brother to his siblings
- His birth caused the death of his mother
May the grace of Middle-Earth befall on the mother of the Children of the Ring - Shenna's tomb engraving
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Kimin's Diary-Entry 2-2
Kids: Sister Kimin!
Kimin: Hi, kids.
Kids: Come to see Little Warts again, sis?
Kimin: Yup. What flowers you've got there, kids?
Kid1: Wild flowers
Kid2: Hibiscus
Kid3: Bougainvilla
Kid4: Dead flowers
Kimin: Every end of the month, I would always visit Little Warts with these kids. No one ever knew about our secret
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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