Sunday, January 7, 2018

Train Boy Who Lived-Chp 12


I was ecstatic inside when Dragon Guy decided to let me walk him home. But his neighbourhood was more than I expected…

He lived somewhere around the suburbs, but he claimed he had a home in his own family estate. As we walked, it dawned to me how quiet the area was.

“Kinda…isolated, isn’t it?” I asked.

“That’s the suburbs for you,” Dragon Guy replied.

“It’ll be dangerous at night.”


“So from now on, I think I’ll walk you home.”

He must’ve noticed my blush when I said that for he blushed too, his eyes looking at me as if he had not expected me to say that. He smiled and his hand somehow automatically snaked towards mine and held it.

We were holding hands again.

He wasn’t lying about living in his own estate. His home was like the odd one out of all the houses in the suburbs we passed by. It looked almost like the rich guy’s house in the village the cop was stationed to in that movie ‘Hot Fuzz’, but bigger. The chat friends were not kidding about him being loaded.

“Thanks for sending me home,” Dragon Guy said as we stopped at his front gate.

“You’re welcome,” I replied, then marveled at his home from afar for a while before turning to leave. “Well…Goodbye…”


I turned to look at him questioningly.

“Um…well…Send me a message when you get home.”

“Sure, no prob.”

“Gimme a call sometimes.”


“And…uh…” Dragon Guy looked hesitant, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t.

“Yeah…?” I tried to probe. He looked at me and smiled it away.

“Nah, it’s nothing. Better hurry and catch the last train.”

“Yeah, sure. Goodnight.”

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

I smiled and waved goodbye one last time before I left.

And that was it.

PotionsMaster: What the…
Twincest: That’s it?
Know-It-All: Train Boy, that’s…
Wormtail: Good God…!
QuibblerGirl: How the…? What the…?
Moony: Are you kidding me?
Ablaze: Wait a minute, brother! Ya got all the nice moods and ya ain’t givin’ him nothin’?!
ParkinsonDisease: You fucking idiot!
Wood-stock: It’s already no big! What are you doing, Train Boy?!
Twincest: What the…? New additions??
HerbologyFreak: Woah, even the admin made a new layout just for this particular topic!
S&D: Dragon Guy was waiting for you to strike! Don’t you get it?! Are you stupid or something??
Chinatown: Agh! You’ve got no balls for love! You’re too slow!
GentleGiant: At least give him a kiss!
GrumpyCaretaker: No, no, before that he should’ve…
Twincest: Alright, alright, everybody calm down. It’s Train Boy we’re talking about.
ParkinsonDisease: And what? Let him walk out of this?? That’s no excuse!
Ablaze: Yeah! If we don’t say this, he’ll never get anywhere!
Padfoot: Wait a second, do you even KNOW how Train Boy started off?!
Lil’Photog: The confession is never too late, Train Boy! I’m right behind you!
PotionsMaster: Train Boy sure is popular now.
Headmaster: Confession of love is not an issue, but if he doesn’t succeed in this, then Dragon Guy is nothing but an uncompassionate young man!
GrumpyCaretaker: You said it!
Know-It-All: Things are getting a little outta hand here…
Moony: Alright, alright, give Train Boy a chance to speak.
Padfoot: Yeah, Train Boy! Defend yourself!
Twincest: Well? Train Boy? Train Boy…? TRAIN BOY!!

Sweet dreams, Dragon Guy. Nightie-nite…


Good morning, everyone. I had a great sleep. Sleeping when you’re dead tired sure is refreshing…

I scroll down to see if anyone replied my story entry. There are a lot of additional chat friends, and a lot of love confession suggestions—so much that the admin seem to see it fit to create a whole new independent layout and forum chatroom thread for our ‘THE TRAIN BOY WHO LIVED’ chat—but the shocking thing is that everyone is scolding me and wrote that Dragon Guy was actually hinting me on a confession that hesitant night. I didn’t know! Gah! How can I be so stupid?!

I scroll down and read another reply that just appeared after I’m done reading the first lot.

CheddarDigger: I haven’t slept till 3 this morning reading the history of this chat all the way till now. I’m living with my girlfriend, but she caught me reading this in the middle of the night and thought I was having an internet affair. We didn’t break up or anything, but she just went off without a word. Gah…! Am I being punished? I feel so envious of Train Boy and Dragon Guy, but now my life is in the dumps.
HerbologyFreak: Uh-oh, we’ve got collateral…
Wormtail: Send her to me! I’ll show her what for!
Headmaster: Don’t have to bother about that sort of shallow woman.
ParkinsonDisease: Stop chatting over here, chase after her!

OK…Could it be…it’s my fault…? Oh boy…

My phone rings. It’s Dragon Guy’s number ID. I answer the phone while typing a little to inform my friends.

“Hello? Hey, good morning, Dragon Guy. Thanks for a great time last night. Yeah, great weather…”

The call.

Twincest: The call?
S&D: You mean…the call? From Dragon Guy?
QuibblerGirl: Wow! Dragon Guy?
Wood-stock: A call in the morning?!
Lil’Photog: Cool! Ask him on a date again! C’mon!

Meet up.

Wormtail: Good, good, good!
Chinatown: For real?
HerbologyFreak: Direct attack, huh?
GrumpyCaretaker: You’re a great man, Train Boy!
Ablaze: You’re THE man, Train Boy!


GentleGiant: Ah?
FrenchLady: Wassat?
Padfoot: Huh?
PotionsMaster: What?
Padfoot: What does that mean? Is he screaming?
Headmaster: Doesn’t look like it. Is it an anagram?
FrenchLady: A.H.H…
Lil’Photog: Uh…Someone explain that? Need a decrypter here…
Moony: At Hogsmeade or Honeydukes…At Holiday House…At…
Wormtail: At his house! I got it! At his house!!
HerbologyFreak: At Dragon Guy’s house?!
QuibblerGirl: Really?!

Sorry, just done on the phone. I’m asked to meet up at his house! I gotta get ready; I’ve got no clothes…Ah!! Need to bring the teacups along! Oh, forgot to tell you, last night we talked about the teacups and I said I didn’t get to use them at all, so he just told me in the phone and asked if I were free and that he’d like to make tea for me at his place…I need to shower…oh, and he said his parents won’t be around till night time…I don’t have any clothes, seriously…

I am staring at the teacups, not realizing there are a lot of OMGs and exclamation marks and emoticons on the replies. Come to think of it, it all started here with this very pair of teacups. Could this be a new development? Will I be able to kiss him this time? Or hit all the way till homerun…?!

Wow~! If that’s the case, I’ll die a happy man!

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