Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Bit of Change in Management

I'm sure you noticed the lack of arts that I used to post back then.

That's because I deleted them due to the fact that I've already pretty much have a copy of them in my own two dA accounts and other blogs and there is no need for me to repeat posting art everywhere.

From now on, except the ones I decide to keep and share for sharing purposes, this art blog will only focus on real original arts as well as hosting X-rated arts that I am not allowed to post it anywhere else on dA so that people can come here and check it out.

That'll be all. Enjoy the rest of any incoming entries~! ^_^

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Seven Deadly Sins-Wrath

Saw this contest and decided to give it a shot. Again, not putting my hopes too high though, just join in for the fun of it. Too bad I didn't win

All pics used belong to :iconstockproject:

Mortal Seasons

Based on this one--> [link] I decided to draw the Seasons Children doing their mortal jobs while one of them is busy doing their job as a season, and I picked jobs that suited their characteristics

Spring is all about nature and animals, so she'd be a pet groomer. Summer is all about vibrant and heat, so he'd be a beach lifeguard. Autumn is all about stocking food and hibernation prep, so he'd be a waiter in a cafe. Winter is all about cold and chills, so she'd be an ice-cream parlour waitress